Prism of Torah

Prism of Torah

Weekly Torah Inspiration

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Parshas Behaaloscha- Elevate Yourself

Rabbi Prisman shares profound insights from the Nesivos Shalom and a powerful ​parable from his Rebbe that will change your perspective on life's challenges and help ​you grow in your relationship with Hashem.

About Us

About Us

Get to know our host Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman and the humble beginnings of our podcast

The spark for the "Prism of Torah" podcast was ignited years ago, when a few of ​Reb Asaf's close friends from his childhood days in Toronto approached him ​with a special request. Knowing his ability to extract meaning from the Parsha, ​they asked if he could send them a weekly Dvar Torah as an audio clip to listen ​to while commuting, hoping to make use of drive time to and from work to learn. ​Always eager to spread Torah wisdom, Reb Asaf agreed.

Positive feedback and encouragement from more listeners led Reb Asaf to ​partner with Eli Podcast Productions, transforming what began as an MP3 ​recording sent via email into a podcast format that could reach a wider ​audience. This allowed him to share in-depth insights into the weekly Parsha.

And so the Prism of Torah podcast was born out of a small personal favor into ​what it is today - a global platform for finding inspiration and spiritual growth ​through analysis of the Torah portion. The mission remains the same as when ​those initial listeners pressed play years ago - to unlock relevant lessons from ​the Parsha and see how they apply in contemporary life.

The podcast aims to unveil profound, philosophically rich ideas from the weekly ​Torah portion, empowering listeners to apply Torah ideals in their lives. By ​analyzing the parsha through the lens of commentators, it extracts meaningful ​lessons about core Jewish values for modern times.

This show has a unique format of raising questions before synthesizing ​everything into an impactful conclusion. This style allows listeners to actively ​engage with the ideas themselves before arriving at the final message. ​Episodes frequently weave in motivational stories or words of inspiration.

We hope this podcast adds meaning and injects spirituality into your life. Please ​listen deeply to the message and find ways to integrate the lessons into your ​personal growth. Share it with others to spread the uplifting light of Torah.

Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman studied in several yeshivas, including YOC (Yeshiva Or Chayim of Toronto) and Netivot Olam Yeshiva in Bnei Brak. He has delved deeply into Gemara, Halacha and Mussar, focusing on attaining both depth and clarity of understanding in each sugya. Today, Reb Prisman learns in Chanechi Hayshivos, Kollel Beis Hillel in Ramat Beit Shemesh. In parallel, he teaches a daily Daf Yomi Shiur in a local Yeshiva and several one-on-one learning sessions with professionals, retirees, yeshiva students, and Jews from all walks of life.

Reb Prisman tries to simplify complex concepts in Yidishkite (Torah, Machshava and Mussar Related) and makes the effort to always see what exactly applies from each topic to our daily lives (A.K.A בדרך העבודה״"). During his talks, he tries to make it "שוה לכל נפש" by simplifying complicated Torah concepts, enabling listeners at all levels to appreciate and connect to the depth, sweetness and gishmak of Torah wisdom.

The idea for the "Prism of Torah" podcast originated years ago with a personal request from several of Reb Asaf's childhood friends in Toronto. They asked him to prepare a weekly Dvar Torah and send it to them as an audio clip so they could listen while driving to work (ובלכתך בדרך). What started as a simple MP3 recording attached to an email has now evolved into a global podcast in partnership with Eli Podcast Productions.

The goal of the podcast remains the same - to share insights and lessons from the Parsha that will enrich conversations at the Shabbos table and inspire Jewish lives all week long. Reb Asaf brings a fresh, engaging perspective that makes Torah wisdom accessible and relevant to all types of listeners. Whether you're a seasoned scholar or just getting started in your learning, you'll find meaningful content in each episode.

We invite you to browse the episode archive, subscribe to the podcast, and please leave us feedback or reviews after listening.

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